Perhaps you’ve mulled over gaining your accreditation and earning your APR, giving it thoughtful consideration over the last couple of years, but just haven’t quite made up your mind. We know you’re “APR Ready to Roll” and we’re here to help.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Chapter’s Accreditation Chair or contact us. We look forward to helping you in your professional development and achieving your APR.
Need Incentive to Achieve Your APR? Did you know Southwest District offers an APR stipend program for members who earn the APR and are ready to serve their Chapter in a volunteer position?
Apply for the PRSA Southwest District APR Stipend
Newly-accredited members who are a part of a Chapter within the Southwest District can apply using the stipend application below.
The PRSA Southwest District offers APR stipends to eligible members in the District. Stipend applications are reviewed in June and December each year.
Click here to fill out the Stipend Form
If you have questions contact: southwestprsa@gmail.com
To learn more about the APR process visit https://accreditation.prsa.org/.